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Let`s fun begin

After the arrival to Ankara, integration of the members of the expedition into the local culture and society has started. In this process local bier Efes was quite helpful. It is not the staff we are used to in our region, but still better than prohibition policy of some other surrounding countries.

First day we invest into degustation of Turkish kitchen and checking up of our equipment. Unfortunatelly the whole day it was raining so sightseeing tours were out of question.

After two days in Ankara we will take a flight to the city of Van on the east of Turkey. We expect good weather and good snow that is exactly what we need for fulfilling of our ski descend goals. If we are right in our expectations we will see in the near future.

In attachment you will find few shots from yesterday`s garden party and from official meeting at our diplomatic representation in Ankara.

We will stay in touch in case we find some internet connections in those remote parts of the world.

Greetings to all


Posted at: 5.4.2007


TREKSPORT - Ži dobrodružstvo, preskúmaj svoje hranice.

Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa, a. s.



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